Children and Youth
We have many opportunities for children and youth at Colona United Methodist Church.
Children & Youth Sunday School Classes
Children's Sunday School - 3 years old through 6th grade. Class starts at 9:00am each Sunday. They will learn Bible stories, make crafts, play games, and make new friends.
Jr High & High School Sunday School - Class starts at 9:00am each Sunday. They learn Bible stories and scriptures and how they can relate to life today.
WiNK meets on most Wednesday nights, children ages 3 years through 8th grade are welcome. We have supper starting at 5:30pm for children and parents. Opening starts at 6:00pm and pick up time is at 7:15pm. Children learn lessons, play games, do crafts, sing songs, and make new friends.
Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) meets on most Sunday evenings from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. Supper is provided and then they do activites, Bible studies, & have movie nights once a month. They go to work camp each summer, serve locally and study God’s word together. For ages 6th Grade through High School.